July 20, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Find, LGBTFriendly, Pediatrician


Categories: Parenting

The right way to Discover an L.G.B.T.-Pleasant Pediatrician

A practice that asks itself these questions will have thought about what is communicated on the website, at reception and on the forms to be filled in, as well as in the examination room. Parents should therefore pay attention to the way questions are asked on admission forms and in initial interviews: “Do you ask questions in such a way that someone who is not heterosexual and binary and cisgender can answer?” Sherer. “Do you understand that gay, straight, bisexual are not the only choices?” Look for doctors who ask open-ended questions and understand the diversity of child development, she said, and be wary of comments that “sex children unnecessarily – do they give a boy a He-Man sticker or let him choose?”

Dr. Sherer looks after many families with transgender and gender diversity children, some of whom have been in her practice since early childhood, others who they find because she speaks and writes about this population. “I hear transgender people being talked about like it’s a disorder,” she said. “My transgender children are some of the nicest, bravest children I have.” She tries to set an example for parents on how to help and support their children, while at the same time allowing them to deal with their own emotions, which can be complex. She said, “There is obviously a loss for the parents, but it is not a loss for their child – it is a loss for who they thought the child was.”

For parents whose children are questioning their gender identity, “don’t be afraid to contact your pediatrician,” said Dr. Paria Hassouri, a Los Angeles pediatrician who provides gender-based care and has written about her own experiences as the parent of a transgender child. “Information will empower you to support your child and make decisions across the board.”

The proportion of young people who state that they are not heterosexual has increased. Dr. Patterson was the correspondent author of a comment published in JAMA Pediatrics magazine in late May that discussed recent data – in a survey in 2017, 14.3 percent of teenagers claimed an identity that was “lesbian, gay, bisexual, other, or other “Be questions” up from 7.3 percent in 2009. The article argued that while greater social openness has led to more honest responses, these teens are still vulnerable to stigma, bullying and abuse and the resulting mental health problems. So having a strong and supportive relationship with a doctor can be very important in helping an adolescent during these years.

Parents should expect pediatricians to promise confidentiality to adolescents. However, there are situations – especially when the child is at risk of harming themselves – when a doctor cannot guarantee confidentiality; We interpret this clearly with children.

Parents should expect their children’s doctors to be trained to ask and answer questions about sexual behavior and sexual health, as well as questions of identification and identity.

With adolescents, we also ask about identity, self-image, body changes, mental health, friendships, academic achievement, risky behaviors (smoking, drugs, alcohol) – the whole complex mix of adolescent activity and adaptation. When she speaks to patients at the Children’s General Hospital, Dr. Hassouri, she begins by asking, “Are you comfortable in your body, how do you identify yourself, what is the gender or genders of the people you are attracted to?” As’ Are you gay, straight or bisexual? ‘“


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