September 15, 2021


by: admin


Tags: discovery, Ikigai, Selfdiscovery, Series


Categories: Parenting

The Ikigai discovery! Sequence – 1 (Self-discovery)

Welcome to Momlifeandlifestyle! My website is all about education, lifestyle, health and wellness. This would be the first series on self-discovery, or rather the Ikigai discovery! This idea comes to me while reading the Ikigai book.

When reading the Ikigai book, which I have not finished yet, these were the first questions I asked myself. What is my purpose in life? Have I even explored my insides? What is it like to think about the amazing journey ahead? Can I call this “A Journey to the Self”?

My idea of ​​self-discovery begins with self-love. Self-discovery means realizing your worth, having the ability and courage to accept yourself in any mental state, size or shape that you are; This is when your journey to self-discovery begins.

The Ikigai Discovery! Series – 1 (self-discovery)


Before I wrote about self-discovery, I had many textbook definitions in mind. the famous Eureka moment was the popular idea of ​​everything. But lately I feel like it’s not one of the textbook ideas I’ve had.

Self-discovery begins when we seek answers ourselves instead of listening and believing what others have to make of them. We are all on our journey to discover the “truth” about our lives, and we are alone on this journey.

Sometimes we get to know people in the process of self-discovery, we travel to many places, sometimes we just sit alone under the amazing blanket of stars under the sky or just sit back and enjoy nature.

You may want to call this a journey through a sudden realization followed by regular life events, and some call it their spiritual journey. But in the process, if anything, it has helped you overcome your fear of human judgment, go beyond your beliefs, and destroy the myths you may have listened to or followed over the years or perhaps your entire life are.

With that said, I want to say that it is time to discover your true self and purpose and what you want to do with life. A truth that is hidden in you. Self-discovery becomes mandatory for you to believe and live the real you and not let people discover and mark you as their ideas of you.

The Ikigai Discovery!  Series - 1 (self-discovery)The Ikigai Discovery! Series – 1 (self-discovery)

Something about me: self-discovery

Writing really helped me experience my moment of self-discovery. As a mother of two, I’ve gotten into a routine where I didn’t have time for myself or time for something I really love.

The decision to start my blog and devote time to myself was the best thing I have done for myself. Taking time off from children and family gave me the opportunity to discover my love for writing and my purpose in living for myself.

What is your? Have you discovered it yet? What is self-discovery for you? What do you think is the meaning of your existence? Comment below for your thoughts on this.

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