The funniest tweets about Doug Ford’s new coverage advisor, a child named “Arthur”
Why listen to scientists and experts when you can choose the brain of a little boy who lives down the street.
Ontarians have learned to have no expectations of Premier Doug Ford’s pandemic press conferences. But on June 2nd, the politician managed to surprise even those of us who thought we had seen it all, and ended his update with what is arguably his most bizarre anecdote about visiting a little boy (new advisor?) Named Arthur.
According to Ford, he received a letter from Arthur in French. When he realized that the boy lived only a few blocks away, the prime minister decided to “get in”. [his] Pick Up ”and pay Arthur and his family a visit (despite the fact that it is still illegal to visit other households here in Ontario). When he knocked on the door, Arthur’s brother, Marcus Ford, was showing us around the house (don’t worry, they were both wearing masks) and into the back yard like “a little butler” so he could talk to Arthur about the province? should open the schools again.
Although Arthur initially wanted to go back to class and was “a tough negotiator”, Arthur came to the conclusion after some back and forth that he could be satisfied with a graduation ceremony and attend the summer camp. So … we’re doing this in Ontario now.
Twitter didn’t disappoint when we responded to this story and at this point we can only laugh! Check out our favorite tweets about Arthur.
The boss’s schedule for today:
9 a.m. – Egg Breakfast Sammich # 1 & 2
10am – Walk with Arthur’s dog, Clifford
11 a.m. – Eiersammich # 3 & 4
12 noon – Meeting with Caillou Re: Cabinet reshuffle in June
1 p.m. – Meeting with Dora Re: Border security
2:00 p.m. – Meet with Paw Patrol Re: Infrastructure Upgrades
– Doug Ford’s laptop (@FordsLaptop) June 3, 2021
I will never forget to speak to @fordnation and say to him, “You are great to talk to, but that seems like an important decision. Shouldn’t you be talking to some experts? ”And then we both started laughing. It was funny. Experts 🙄 #onted #ARTHUR
– Onted Arthur (@ArthurOnted) June 3, 2021
I’m going to have way too much fun creating #Arthur memes. Have fun with this thread # ARTHUR #ArthurForPremier #onpoli # VoteFordOut2022 #FordFailedThePeople #FordfailedOntario #onted @ArthurOnted
– Nate Manis (@Nate_Manis) June 3, 2021
The reason I WHITEWWW @fordnation “Arthur” story is wrong is because EVERY CHILD would have this reaction if it just showed up on their door #onpoli # VoteFordOut2022
– Dylan H (@ dylanhorner96) June 2, 2021
Doug Ford seen at Arthur’s dinner in the back yard.
– Gator⚡Gum (@gator_gum) June 3, 2021
So an elementary school kid named Arthur visited @fordnation and suggested a graduation ceremony for each class as a compromise so as not to return to class. And so it will happen now. Can’t make that stuff up. A primary school student is in charge.
– Cindy Cosentino (@cindcos) June 2, 2021
Health care workers, scientists, hair salons, restaurant owners, corporations, education workers, etc. have begged @fordnation and @Sflecce to listen, but they decided to listen to the little neighbor boy #Arthur. We’re in trouble folks!
– Ropsy (@RopsJim) June 2, 2021
Doug Ford again disdains the advice of the science table and decides to follow little Arthur’s open air graduation policy for Ontario.
– vilma (@hmvi) June 2, 2021
Since nobody is to blame anymore, Doug Ford throws the socialist crook Arthur under the bus.
– Gator⚡Gum (@gator_gum) June 2, 2021
I wish Arthur had convinced Premier @fordnation to reverse his $ 700 million cut in public education this year while he was at it. #onpoli #onted
– Tyler Watt 🇨🇦 (@ tylerwatt90) June 2, 2021
– Mike Beauvais (@MikeBeauvais) June 2, 2021
OK. I’ll try it. But no guarantees. First, I have to show @fordnation how to work in teams. He keeps forgetting to mute. #onted
– Onted Arthur (@ArthurOnted) June 2, 2021
If Doug Ford has invisible friends named Arthur who am I to get in the way, but I think it’s really dangerous for Ontario …
– kris meloche (@krismeloche) June 2, 2021
I can’t even believe Doug Ford just told a story where he broke the “stay at home” order in someone else’s backyard and 4-5 other regulations while he was there.
Is Sylvia Jones arresting him now?
I’m speechless. It takes a lot as you know.
– Greg Brady (@gregbradyTO) June 2, 2021
It’s a shame Dougie didn’t visit my garden as the pubs would definitely be open now #DougFord #onpoli #arthur #Ontarioshutdown #arthursday #GuinnessTime
– Hugh Cannon (@ HughCannon7) June 2, 2021
Yes, but did she write it in French ??? Doug can’t read French, but he drove to Arthur’s house so his mom could translate it for him.
– DJR (@ Cool2bCorgi) June 3, 2021