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Note: The mask mandates have been particularly difficult, and even discriminatory, for people with sensory issues and autism. Some good news from Health Freedom Defense Fund. While airline travel may be seen as a luxury, public transportation is not. Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) wins federal lawsuit challenging the Biden Administration’s Travel Mask Mandate. Judge […]

MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – A Houghton County educator known for her compassion and striving to ensure that all her students do well regardless of their shortcomings has been honored with an Excellence in Education award from the Michigan Lottery. The award winner, Kathy Kumpula, is a first-grade teacher at Lake Linden-Hubbell Public Schools. The Michigan […]

A Houghton County educator known for her compassion and striving to ensure that all her students do well regardless of their shortcomings has been honored with an Excellence In Education award from the Michigan Lottery. The award winner, Kathy Kumpula, is a first-grade teacher with Lake Linden-Hubbell Public Schools. The Michigan Lottery established the EExcellence […]

January 13, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Award, education, Poway, program, special, State, Unified, wins


Categories: Special needs education

A state award was recognized for a program by the Poway Unified School District that redesigned special education services and teaching to bring more students into the general education setting. The district received the California School Board Association’s Golden Bell Award in the Special Education category for its Inclusive Practices Program. “I was thrilled,” said […]

August 29, 2021


by: admin


Tags: College, education, Scholarship, special, student, Westfield, wins


Categories: Special needs education

WESTFIELD, NJ – Rory Scialabba, a Westfield resident and a graduate of the Calais School in Whippany, is one of two recipients of the Joe Gorga Scholarship, awarded by the Alliance of Private Special Education Schools of New Jersey. The Alliance is a nonprofit group of 40 federally accredited private special schools in northern and […]

August 13, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Anne, Curtis, Foodpanda, goals, Mom, Parenting, wins


Categories: Special Needs Parenting

Anne Curtis is back in the Philippines as the loving mother of her daughter Dahlia in what is arguably the greatest real-life role she will ever play. “Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m one of those celebrity mothers I look up to now. Celebrity moms are true heroes when it comes to managing their careers […]