Here’s how you can help Ukrainians affected by the Russian invasion. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this past Thursday, hundreds of civilians have been killed and over a thousand wounded, according to Ukraine’s health ministry. Half a million people have field the country so far. Organizations on the ground in Europe are asking for people […]
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As part of our Education Special, we sit down with Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris. In an extensive interview, he addresses some of the biggest issues facing the third level system in Ireland. Plus, he discusses his personal journey from dropping out of college to becoming ‘Baby of […]
It’s time of crisis. I know because my heart rate is high. A lump forms in my throat. My muscles feel tense and alive. I hear words but it’s part of the blur around me as I’m hit by a thousand stimuli at once. My mind races as I consider possible escape routes and threats. […]
Do you want to improve your career in 2022? Fairygodboss and his community of career experts have your back. Whether you’re looking for advice on building successful routines, impressing your boss, or building your leadership presence, we have actionable tips and supportive members to help you along your career path. Carry On: 50 Essential Career […]
Immune response: rats exposed to certain antibodies in the womb have the molecules (green) in their brain. Courtesy Matthew Bruce / UC Davis Prenatal exposure to maternal antibodies can contribute to autism in different ways, depending on the antibodies involved, new unpublished studies suggest. Two research teams presented the results virtually at the Society for […]
It’s no secret that the pandemic poses a particular challenge for working mothers – in fact, a Deloitte Global survey found that 82 percent of U.S. women feel their lives have been affected by the pandemic, and 70 percent of those women are concerned that their Career growth will be limited as a result. The […]
A research study of 700+ parents published in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science last October found that parents who were inflexible in their thoughts during the pandemic were more likely to experience depressive symptoms. Their children were also more likely to have symptoms of stress such as anxiety, mood problems, or aggressive behavior. Updated […]
If your family is like mine, we look forward to the coming school year, because after 15 months we will be there for you personally again. The days of virtual learning or hybrid environments are long gone, our children are returning to the classroom and “it’s the best time of the year”. This atypical year […]
Can we pause for a moment and acknowledge something? Until a few weeks ago we were on the way to a seemingly “normal” school year, at least more normal than what we have experienced in the past 18 months. If you are like me and my wife, we would quietly say Hallelujah every day. Thanks […]
I clearly remember it. I just kept looking at the clock, hoping the day would be over soon. I didn’t know how long I could keep looking happy with my colleagues. The day finally came to an end and I just stepped in the elevator and the tears started to pour down my face. Anyone […]
As a parent, it’s good to talk to our kids about money all year round, but in the summer most kids don’t go to school so they have a few more hours. Between ice breaks, gaming sessions, and summer work, it’s an ideal time to keep them engaged in activities and discussions about money. Starting […]
Illustration by Laurène Boglio Hello and welcome to this week’s community newsletter! I am your host, Chelsey B. Coombs, the engagement editor of Spectrum. This week we start with a thread from Yu-Lun Chen on Autism’s Twitter account. Chen is a PhD student and associate faculty member in Occupational Therapy at New York University in […]