Posts Tagged

November 11, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Autism, form, gene, rare, Spectrum, Therapy, Treat


Categories: autism

Zodiac Signs: Astrocytes from people with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (center) show high levels of a green marker that is normally only seen in immature cells. After gene therapy (right) the cells show more of a mature cell marker, in purple, similar to control astrocytes (left) Andrea (Julieth) Sierra Delgado Increased expression of the gene, which is […]

November 5, 2021


by: admin


Tags: ADHD, Child, Extreme, Patient, Refuse, therapist, Treat


Categories: adhd

My husband and I have two wild children. Our oldest has six behavioral diagnoses. We have always referred to him as an “extreme child” because everything he does is extreme. While doctors, teachers, or a bystander in Aisle 9 could focus on his extreme meltdown, he’s also extremely thoughtful, joyful, friendly, and hilarious. Our son […]