Posts Tagged

February 26, 2022


by: admin


Tags: kids, Talk, Ukraine


Categories: Parenting

Anxious kids may also have a change in appetite: not eating as much as usual or eating more comfort foods. They may be irritable, clingy or sick with stomachaches. If you see signs of anxiety in your child, “letting them know you are there to talk, often without even having a big talk, can go […]

February 25, 2022


by: admin


Tags: kids, Talk, Ukraine


Categories: Parenting

Anxious kids may also have a change in appetite: not eating as much as usual or eating more comfort foods. They may be irritable, clingy or sick with stomachaches. If you see signs of anxiety in your child, “letting them know you are there to talk, often without even having a big talk, can go […]

At a time of fluctuating COVID rates, school staff shortages and delays in the state’s promised distribution of masks and tests in schools, CEA leaders this morning visited Blackham School in Bridgeport with Governor Ned Lamont to discuss the ongoing realities of the pandemic classroom and what speaking needs to happen so schools can stay […]

January 10, 2022


by: admin


Tags: ADHD, complex, issues, kids, Talk


Categories: adhd

Welcome to Tea & Tips, where we answer burning questions from parents and educators – always aiming at one topic at a time and helping you to improve communication, self-confidence and calm. Today’s topic: Conversations with children about ADHD and other complex challenges. Elaine:Therefore, parents of children of all ages often ask this question, how […]

January 7, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autism, baby, Engagement, Infants, lack, point, Study, suggests, Talk


Categories: autism

No matter what language they speak or what their background is, parents around the world tend to speak to their babies in the same way: with high-pitched, sing-song-style language called “baby talk” or “mom.” They tend to also to change certain words “cute”, such as “horse” for horse or “puppy” for dog. Not only is […]

November 30, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Celebrity, change, pregnancy, Talk, time


Categories: Parenting

It is nearly impossible to flip the pages of glossy lifestyle paper or scroll through social media without facing articles speculating on a celebrity’s baby bump or analyzing their “post-baby bikini body”. This fascination with famous uterus is an extension of the way we do Glorification of procreation In our culture in general, and frustratingly, […]

November 2, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Asheboro, board, Candidates, City, education, improvements, School, Talk


Categories: Special needs education

Bei den kommenden Wahlen zum Schulausschuss der Asheboro City Schools in dieser Woche sind vier Sitze frei. Zwei aktuelle Vorstandsmitglieder Baxter Hammer und Bett Knott stellen sich zur Wiederwahl. Die Wahlen sind unparteiisch, und die Mitglieder werden gestaffelt für sechs Jahre gewählt, so dass alle zwei Jahre nicht mehr als vier Ämter auslaufen. Kürzlich hat […]

October 30, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Edibles, Talk, Teens


Categories: Parenting

A few years ago, my high school daughter came home and told about gummy bears rumors circulating in our local middle school. Until then, I didn’t realize that I needed to add edible cannabis to the list of topics to address with teenagers in my care. For teens, the widespread legalization of marijuana has lowered […]

October 11, 2021


by: admin


Tags: board, Candidates, COVID19, education, Masks, policies, Talk


Categories: Special needs education

MONROE, CT – Justin Orlando, a Republican Education Committee nominee who rejects masked mandates, literally wore his views on his chest during an interview at Starbucks on Friday morning. His T-shirt read: “Breaking News: Fresh air is still fresh air.” He disagrees with Governor Ned Lamont having sole authority over how the state deals with […]

August 20, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Crisis, education, special, Talk


Categories: Special needs education

Ed Talk is a bi-weekly opinion column. The views expressed are solely those of the author. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is federal law that requires eligible children with disabilities to be provided with free adequate public education (FAPE) and special education and related services for those children. Despite these requirements and assurances, […]