Alternate Game: Over half of the genes expressed in the human cortex, including some associated with autism, have more than one transcript isoform. Researchers have discovered thousands of new alternative versions of RNA, or isoforms, of genes expressed in the brain, including some implicated in autism, according to a new study. Several of the RNA […]
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Immune response: rats exposed to certain antibodies in the womb have the molecules (green) in their brain. Courtesy Matthew Bruce / UC Davis Prenatal exposure to maternal antibodies can contribute to autism in different ways, depending on the antibodies involved, new unpublished studies suggest. Two research teams presented the results virtually at the Society for […]
Anecdotal reports from some doctors, parents, and autistic adults have long suggested that cannabis and cannabis-derived products can alleviate certain common autism characteristics, including anxiety and aggression. Although many of these claims are untested, research over the past five years shows that cannabis can relieve seizures in people with autism-associated syndromes and benefit other autistic […]
Hey guys, welcome back to momlifeandlifestyle. As we all know, schools are about to start and this year it will be online study as well. Well, I never thought kids would study online for a full year! And look, another academic year has already come. Online courses for preschoolers: Preschool is about getting the hands-on […]