Omolabake Fasogbon The organizers of the Beauty Needs Education (BNE) seminar have announced plans for this year’s edition of the initiative, which primarily aimed at growth in the country’s beauty sector. ESD is a nationwide effort to raise awareness of customer aesthetic practices in the beauty industry and develop necessary measures to prepare practitioners for […]
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WVU President Gordon Gee addresses the faculty assembly for his annual State of the University Address on October 18, 2021. (WVU photo / Brian Persinger) West Virginia University creates space and time for students to discover their Fitzsimmons Event Hall. “We must pursue education, health care and prosperity with a renewed and focused determination to […]
The lockdown of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed the education system as schools were physically closed and switched to online learning, some for more than a year. Special education, which often relies on individualized personal learning for social interactions and important life skills, came to a standstill when the children had to go […]
In June 2020, cannabidiol reached a well-known hurdle in Fragile X research: like many previous drug candidates, it missed its primary goal in clinical trials. Among 109 young people with Fragile X syndrome who took the drug and 101 who took a placebo, the researchers saw no significant difference in social avoidance ratings. However, a […]