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MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – A Houghton County educator known for her compassion and striving to ensure that all her students do well regardless of their shortcomings has been honored with an Excellence in Education award from the Michigan Lottery. The award winner, Kathy Kumpula, is a first-grade teacher at Lake Linden-Hubbell Public Schools. The Michigan […]

A Houghton County educator known for her compassion and striving to ensure that all her students do well regardless of their shortcomings has been honored with an Excellence In Education award from the Michigan Lottery. The award winner, Kathy Kumpula, is a first-grade teacher with Lake Linden-Hubbell Public Schools. The Michigan Lottery established the EExcellence […]

October 25, 2021


by: admin


Tags: critical, education, Michigan, race, Reject, Theory


Categories: Special needs education

It’s no secret that state universities and K-12 schools teach critical racial theory. And if public schools teach it, it means your taxes are paying for it. In Michigan, whistleblowers found that Grand Haven High School educators used presentation materials that taught intersectionality, one of the basic ideas of Critical Race Theory. With intersectionality, educators […]

October 15, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Headlines, Medicine, Michigan, Parenting, Stories


Categories: Special Needs Parenting

This initiative, funded by the Wellness Office, collects narratives about the intersection of parenting and careers in healthcare. We invite you to share your own story or photos / artwork (yours or your children’s!) Work-life integration in medicine is a challenge in the best of times. Parenthood and the path to parenting add a whole […]

October 7, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Headlines, Medicine, Michigan, Parenting, Stories


Categories: Special Needs Parenting

This initiative, funded by the Wellness Office, collects narratives about the intersection of parenting and careers in healthcare. We invite you to share your own story or photos / artwork (yours or your children’s!) Work-life integration in medicine is a challenge in the best of times. Parenthood and the path to parenting add a whole […]