By Katie Wright A long-time criticism of IACC is the inadequate representation of people with severe autism. Instead of listening to these voices, Dr. Gordon has created a committee that is almost entirely composed of High Function Autistic (HFA) individuals. Ironically, there is a LOT of talk at IACC about “equity in representation,” “intersectionality” and […]
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Illustration by Laurène Boglio Last month, the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) met for the second time this year. Part of their discussion concerned the choices for their Progress Summary, a list of studies made available to policy makers to depict “groundbreaking and significant advances” in this area. This gave rise to an important question: […]
Illustration by Laurène Boglio Hello and welcome to this week’s community newsletter! I am your host, Chelsey B. Coombs, the engagement editor of Spectrum. Our first tweet comes from Dheeraj Roy, a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, who highlighted his new study in Neuron on the role of the thalamus […]