Posts Tagged

April 19, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Generational, Heal, helps, Trauma


Categories: Parenting

When I was 13, I asked to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. I was racked with debilitating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), forced to write each individual letter against a straight edge, hellbent on perfection. It was messing with my seventh grade mojo. The perfectionism, in turn, shredded my sleep schedule. I spent countless hours, […]

February 17, 2022


by: admin


Tags: helps, learn, Parenting, recess, Students


Categories: Special Needs Parenting

Giving kids time outside for physical and social activity helps them get ready to learn. Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images As parents and schools seek to support students’ social and emotional needs – and teach them what they need to learn – some education leaders are missing one particularly effective opportunity. The U.S. […]

At the Kilparrin Teaching and Assessment School and Services location in Adelaide, Australia, special needs students now have access to two uniquely powerful TAPit interactive education displays from Exertis ProAV Australia to aid their education and self-sufficiency. During a 30-day trial period, Kilparrin staff witnessed students practice through trial-and-error to get the device to do […]

January 17, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Childhood, Early, education, expansion, helps, kids, Start


Categories: Special needs education

Between 2018 and 2021, 13 public post-secondary institutions in BC added 1,003 early childhood student places. More than two-thirds of the additional places were earmarked for rural and remote communities to ensure early childhood education (ECE) students across the province had access to ECE training places. North: Northern Lights College: 74 additional ECE student placesCollege […]

January 1, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Achieve, Graduation, helps, special, Students, Success, Woman


Categories: autism

Everyone has a chance of a job after graduating from high school. For this reason, Kim Mileszko has made it her business to help high school students with special needs to graduate successfully. Mileszko is a job developer for the Lenape Regional High School District in Burlington County, New Jersey, where she works with students […]

December 11, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Autism, blind, Boy, Christmas, experience, helps, magic, Santa, Touch


Categories: autism

The blind and autistic Matthew Wolf is reunited with Santa Claus after three years. Matthew enjoyed his first visit to Santa Claus when he met him through touch. Matthew heard Santa Clause had sparkling eyes so Santa Clause let him feel his face so he could get a feel for what he looked like. Photo: […]

December 2, 2021


by: admin


Tags: ASD, Boy, Christmas, Dislike, Gifts, helps, kids, Sensory


Categories: autism

8-year-old Logan Doyle from County Tyrone, Northern Ireland is a wonderful and intelligent little boy with many talents. His autism and hyperlexia contributed to who he is today, and that’s positive in many ways. His first word when he was a little over two years old was “triangle”. He learned to read and write at […]

November 29, 2021


by: admin


Tags: 15YearOld, Autism, Autistic, Boy, Complete, helps, Run, Triathlete


Categories: autism

Marathons and triathlons are not an easy task, but Scott Frasard finishes them with ease. He has run almost 60 half marathons, finished five half ironmans and one full ironman. The Ironman triathlon includes a 2.5-mile swim in the pool, more than 160 miles on a bike, and a full marathon on foot. Photo: YouTube […]

November 6, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Award, classroom, earn, education, helps, Love, State, Students, Woman, Ypsilanti


Categories: Special needs education

6th Ypsilanti Community Schools parapro receives state recognition, check for US $ 1,000 YPSILANTI, MI – In the Achieving College & Career Education building at Ypsilanti Community Schools, there’s a running joke that when someone needs to check into a student’s mother, aunt, or grandmother, they just have to find Carla Whitsett. That’s because Whitsett’s […]

November 1, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Autism, Boy, Enjoy, Game, helps, Room, Soccer, special, Stadium


Categories: autism

A man named Dave took to Twitter to share his heartwarming experience at the Arsenal game with his son. This was the first UK soccer game his son attended as he has autism and usually doesn’t like going to places where many people live. While they were there, his son had a hard time with […]

October 28, 2021


by: admin


Tags: briefs, build, Catawba, education, Habitat, helps, Home, post, Salisbury


Categories: Special needs education

SALISBURY – Catawba College worked on 136 Union Heights Boulevard to bring Habitat for Humanity’s home to life It has been nine weeks since the Catawba Church started working on the volunteer site. The house already has a floor system, exterior walls, interior walls, framework, roof and windows. The interior work has started. This has […]

October 9, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Distraught, helps, Jumping, police, Puppy, Roof, Save, Teen, Therapy


Categories: autism

Charlie is only six months old, but this therapy pup is already busy. The gold doodle is the latest addition to the Albany Police Department’s therapy dog ​​program, which includes therapy dogs Maxie and Finn. Charlie may be the newest therapy dog ​​on the team, but the puppy has already demonstrated his skills by rescuing […]