Posts Tagged

April 20, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autism, brain, gene, lead, mutations, organoids, overgrowth, People, show, Spectrum, Top


Categories: autism

Early overgrowth: In their first few weeks of development, organoids with two intact copies of CHD8 (top) developed excitatory neurons more slowly than organoids missing a copy of the gene (bottom). Editor’s Note This article was originally published 11 January 2021, based on preliminary findings presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting. The results […]

February 17, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autism, candidate, gene, identified, newly, Spectrum, syndrome, tied, Top


Categories: autism

People with mutations in the PAX5 gene have a distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome characterized by a range of traits, including developmental delay, intellectual disability, seizures and autism, according to a new study of 16 children and young adults. Until now, genetic testing did not give people with PAX5 mutations clear answers about their development, says lead […]

February 3, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autism, Behavior, gene, immune, model, mouse, Social, Spectrum, tied


Categories: autism

Stacked effects: A gene mutation and immune stimulation together can render mice less social. Photography by Richard Drury Activating the immune system blunts social behaviors in mice missing a copy of the autism-linked gene SHANK3, according to a new study. But blocking TRPV4, a gene that encodes an ion channel involved in inflammatory responses, can […]

January 25, 2022


by: admin


Tags: alters, Autismlinked, Development, gene, Loss, mice, Spectrum, synapse


Categories: autism

Pruning: Neurons from mice lacking one copy of ASH1L (third row) do not prune away as many synapses (bottom row) as control neurons (top and second rows) after stimulation. Loss of the autism-related gene ASH1L leads to excess synapses and autism-like behaviors in mice, according to a study published today in Neuron. Increasing the activity […]

January 22, 2022


by: admin


Tags: activity, alters, Autism, boost, brain, gene, mice, Missing, Oxytocin, sociability, Spectrum


Categories: autism

Social Boost: In a mouse model with impaired social behavior, an oxytocin injection activates a specific set of circuits. publisher’s Note This article was originally published as Conference Proceedings from the 2021 Society for Neuroscience Global Connectome Meeting on January 13, 2021. The results have since been published in Neuron. Infusions of the hormone oxytocin […]

January 15, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Barriers, brainrelated, gene, Neuronspecific, Overcomes, Spectrum, Therapy, Virus


Categories: autism

A new harmless virus can deliver genes to brain cells without infecting other tissues, according to early tests in mice and monkeys. The virus could minimize the risk of side effects from gene therapies under development for autism-related conditions, such as Angelman syndrome, Rett syndrome and fragile X syndrome. Gene therapy typically involves replacing a […]

January 10, 2022


by: admin


Tags: accessibility, Autismlinked, boosts, Development, DNA, gene, Spectrum, Top


Categories: autism

In a fix: mice lacking the autism-related gene POGZ have an altered expression of ADNP, which is also associated with autism. The POGZ gene associated with autism, according to a new mouse study, facilitates the accessibility and expression of genes involved in wiring the brain in utero. People with a mutation in POGZ are more […]

January 4, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autismlinked, gene, mice, primes, Spectrum, stress, vulnerability


Categories: autism

Stress test: high expression of the protein HOMER1A (1, green) exaggerated the loss of SHANK3 (2, pink) from synapses in stressed mice with a mutated copy of the SHANK3 gene. Stressful situations lead to social deficits in mice with a mutated copy of the autism-linked gene SHANK3, according to a new study. The elimination of […]

January 1, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autismlinked, cluster, gene, mutations, rare, Spectrum, tied, traits


Categories: autism

Lack of isolation: Mutations in the MYT1L gene deactivate a transcription factor that is important for myelin-forming cells that coat nerve fibers. Biophoto Associates / Science Source A variety of traits, including developmental delay and intellectual disability, characterize people with mutations in the autism-related MYT1L gene, according to a new study. The gene encodes a […]

November 29, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Angelman, gene, mice, Oneshot, promise, Shows, Spectrum, syndrome, Therapy


Categories: autism

Big boost: A potential new gene therapy for Angelman syndrome results in expression of UBE3A throughout the mouse brain within days of a single injection. Courtesy Matt Judson / UNC Injection of a potential new gene therapy for Angelman syndrome prevents many of the key features of neurological development, according to early tests in mice. […]

November 11, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Autism, form, gene, rare, Spectrum, Therapy, Treat


Categories: autism

Zodiac Signs: Astrocytes from people with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (center) show high levels of a green marker that is normally only seen in immature cells. After gene therapy (right) the cells show more of a mature cell marker, in purple, similar to control astrocytes (left) Andrea (Julieth) Sierra Delgado Increased expression of the gene, which is […]

November 11, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Adult, Autismlinked, gene, mice, mutations, Reversing, Social, Spectrum, Top


Categories: autism

Increased interest: SCN2A-deficient mice are more likely to socialize like control mice after a mutation in the gene has been corrected. Georgejason / iStock Treatments that counteract the effects of a mutation in an autism-related gene in mice increase the sociability of animals in adulthood, according to a new unpublished study. The researchers presented the […]