Posts Tagged

January 30, 2022


by: admin


Tags: budget, control, drive, education, expenses, Focus, huge, investments, NEP, special


Categories: Special needs education

India stands on the cusp of realizing tremendous global opportunities. Being a young country, it is necessary to have youthful, employable human capital to translate these opportunities into economic growth and GDP. With the upcoming budget 2022; We as educators and school leaders are very curious what we get out of it? How will it […]

January 5, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autism, discuss, drive, patients, Pediatric, Providers, Shows, Study


Categories: autism

Because autism is such a broad spectrum, it encompasses both people who enjoy driving and are good at it, as well as those who will never be able to drive due to the way their symptoms manifest themselves. And of course, in the middle of that spectrum, there are also large numbers of people who, […]

December 8, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Autism, drive, learn, People, Reality, university, Virginia, virtual


Categories: autism

About one in three American teenagers with autism get a driver’s license. That is significantly lower than the average for all young people in the country, which is more than 60%. People on the Spectrum can have difficulty learning to drive as delayed decision-making and problems with multitasking make things difficult at times. A program […]

Thursday 5th August to Saturday 7th August 2021 Boca Raton, FL – Palm Beach Outlets are hosting a Back-to-School Supplies Drive for the Connections Education Center and Connections High School & Vocational Program from Thursday, August 5 through Saturday, August 7, 2021. The commodities include rucksacks, lunch boxes, crayons, markers, pencils, glue sticks, painting utensils, […]

July 12, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Consol, drive, education, grads, honors, Kicks, kids, memory, shoe


Categories: Special needs education

Eric Williams said he remembered giving Jason his first pair of shoes after joining them when he was 10. Jason was eventually adopted by the couple and joined their two other children, Lyndon and Autumn. “He had never had anything like it; he had shoes but a good pair, ”said Eric Williams. “He was excited […]

June 19, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Alexithymia, Autism, drive, eyegaze, patterns, Spectrum


Categories: autism

Face to face: Autistic and non-autistic people may not differ much in how they look emotional information in the eye. Secret Annex Productions / Getty Images Gaze patterns when looking at a face are more related to alexithymia, a condition characterized by difficulty recognizing one’s emotions, than to autism, according to a new study. The […]