RMDC offers homebuyer education class in December Rocky Mountain Development Council offers a monthly homebuyer education class. The purpose of the class is to teach potential homeowners about the process of purchasing a home. Homebuyer education and counseling involves a one-on-one counseling session followed by an eight -hour class covering the intricacies of purchasing a home. […]
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Zwei Wochen im Voraus: Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools in North Carolina stimmten am 28. Oktober für die Schließung der Schulen am 12. November für einen „Tag der Freundlichkeit, Gemeinschaft und Verbundenheit“. Fünf Tage im Voraus: Am Abend des Mittwochs, dem 17. November, gaben die öffentlichen Schulen von Ann Arbor in Michigan bekannt, dass sie am folgenden […]
The winner of one class at a time in September is Christopher Thompson of the Benjamin Franklin Elementary in La Quinta. After receiving his award during a zoom ceremony due to COVID restrictions at his school, he said he was “super excited because that means I can do my job better and these kids can […]
Most of the special needs students in Halifax County’s public schools are back in the classroom this school year. The return to the “pre-pandemic” personal teaching format is one that Martha Brizendine, Director of Special Education at HCPS, prefers for special needs students. “In-person tuition is always considered to be the most effective form of […]
ATHENA PAJER McLain Schaefer talks about day one at Arland D. Williams Jr. Elementary School. READ THE STORY HERE. CLAY JACKSON, HEROLD & REVIEW CHARLESTON – Parents in Coles County said goodbye to their children Thursday morning when they returned to school and said goodbye to distance learning as well. This was a win for […]