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The election will be partisan for the first time, after Tennessee lawmakers passed a special session bill allowing candidates to run with political parties. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — After Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill during a special session of Congress that allows for partisan elections for Board of Education positions, candidates met with the community in […]

GRAND FORKS — UND and special educators say the need for special education teachers has grown critical in the state, and some are calling for changes that will allow for on the job training. While AND has developed different educational paths to more quickly graduate qualified teachers, special education unit directors are dealing with open […]

November 2, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Asheboro, board, Candidates, City, education, improvements, School, Talk


Categories: Special needs education

Bei den kommenden Wahlen zum Schulausschuss der Asheboro City Schools in dieser Woche sind vier Sitze frei. Zwei aktuelle Vorstandsmitglieder Baxter Hammer und Bett Knott stellen sich zur Wiederwahl. Die Wahlen sind unparteiisch, und die Mitglieder werden gestaffelt für sechs Jahre gewählt, so dass alle zwei Jahre nicht mehr als vier Ämter auslaufen. Kürzlich hat […]

HAMDEN – A former mayoral candidate disaffected with the Republican Party and a mom determined to improve the quality of special education services are forging their own way this election season by running as a third party candidate for community office. Jay Kaye, who is vying for a seat on the Legislative Council, will be […]

NORTH STONINGTON – In der kommenden Amtszeit wird es eine Mischung aus bekannten Gesichtern und neuen Namen im Bildungsausschuss der Stadt geben, da die Amtsinhaberin Christine Wagner, eine Republikanerin, und die Demokratin Jamie Towle-Weicksel von den Neulingen Stanley „Chet“ Stefanowicz und Lisa unterstützt werden Mazzella auf einem Board, das den Blick in die Zukunft richtet. […]

October 11, 2021


by: admin


Tags: board, Candidates, COVID19, education, Masks, policies, Talk


Categories: Special needs education

MONROE, CT – Justin Orlando, a Republican Education Committee nominee who rejects masked mandates, literally wore his views on his chest during an interview at Starbucks on Friday morning. His T-shirt read: “Breaking News: Fresh air is still fresh air.” He disagrees with Governor Ned Lamont having sole authority over how the state deals with […]

September 19, 2021


by: admin


Tags: board, Candidates, County, education, issues, politics, Roanoke, School


Categories: Special needs education

“I’m used to my yard signs being taken, that seems to happen with every election,” said Moretz. “It makes a difference whether someone starts up [small] Hofschild and someone who takes the time to spray paint and slit open a large banner. “ Facciani is a retired speech pathologist who has worked on the east […]

August 9, 2021


by: admin


Tags: California, Candidates, education, Public, Recall, State


Categories: Special needs education

Even before the pandemic, California’s public schools were not something to write home about. But what COVID, and the related mandates and closures and distance learning and union intransigence did to it, seems to have obliterated whatever shred of credibility the system – a system once the best in the nation – had left. California […]

August 5, 2021


by: admin


Tags: board, Candidates, education, Meet, Woodbridge


Categories: Special needs education

WOODBRIDGE, NJ – Im Jahr 2021 stehen drei Sitze des Schulausschusses von Woodbridge zur Wahl. Sie sind: Der Sitz von Daniel Harris (er stellt sich zur Wiederwahl) Der Sitz von Ezio Tamburello (er gab Anfang des Jahres bekannt, dass er sich nach 12 Jahren im Vorstand nicht wiederwählen wird) Der Sitz von Susan Bourdin (sie […]