On Tuesday’s meeting of the Washington County School District Board of Education, the education association president Amy Barton warned numerous teachers are pondering quitting amid perceived over-scheduling and staffing shortages. | Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash ST. GEORGE — The president of the Washington County Education Association sent out an SOS on behalf of local […]
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Zwei Wochen im Voraus: Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools in North Carolina stimmten am 28. Oktober für die Schließung der Schulen am 12. November für einen „Tag der Freundlichkeit, Gemeinschaft und Verbundenheit“. Fünf Tage im Voraus: Am Abend des Mittwochs, dem 17. November, gaben die öffentlichen Schulen von Ann Arbor in Michigan bekannt, dass sie am folgenden […]
Guest contribution by Andréas RB Deolinda, BA, BSc. Have you ever reached a point of extreme exhaustion that left you feeling empty and no longer feeling like moving or engaging in any form of activity? Burnout can be confused with fatigue, but as a general definition, it is an extreme form of exhaustion that leaves […]
There are always decisions that help us connect career and motherhood into a unified universe and give us a sense of control. I remember my introduction to that time as confusing and lonely. Every day I tried to get around the fear of abandoning someone while my brain was filled with responsibility. It was like […]
A burnout experience is never your own – it would be selfish to believe that it was. Your actions and behaviors have effects on your surroundings ranging from small to seismic, but here’s the thing: it’s not like dropping a stone into a pond with immediate effect. The Burnout Stone is inherently secret; it gradually […]
I clearly remember it. I just kept looking at the clock, hoping the day would be over soon. I didn’t know how long I could keep looking happy with my colleagues. The day finally came to an end and I just stepped in the elevator and the tears started to pour down my face. Anyone […]
Tilley Creary has really understood stress over the past few months. The Toronto-based married mother has two boys, ages eight and ten, the youngest of whom has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and usually receives language and communication support from school. In pre-pandemic times, he also had individual support from a dedicated educational assistant (EA). But […]
Illustration by Laurène Boglio Hello and welcome to this week’s community newsletter! I am your host, Chelsey B. Coombs, the engagement editor of Spectrum. We’re starting this week with a study on Autism, looking at researchers’ views and experiences of including people with autism in study decisions. Laura Crane, Assistant Director of the Center for […]