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1 INTRODUCTION On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) elevated the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis to global pandemic status. Since then, the virus has continued to spread rapidly across the globe, infecting more than 188 million people and causing more than 4.05 million deaths at the time this paper was submitted (October […]

October 22, 2021


by: admin


Tags: adolescence, adulthood, behavioral, Emotional, Inflexible, issues, linked, Spectrum, thinking


Categories: autism

Problem solving: Therapies that address inflexible thinking styles could alleviate mental health problems in some young autistic adults. chpua / Getty Images Autistic teenagers with cognitive inflexibility, a rigid thinking style that makes it difficult to switch tasks or adjust goals, are prone to emotional and behavioral problems as young adults, according to a new […]