August 31, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Advisors, board, education, findings, reacts, report, SD57, special


Categories: Special needs education

SD57 Board of Schooling reacts to findings of Particular Advisors Report

“Our top priority is to meet with the special advisors and develop an action plan,” says Derrick. “I think every time you have something like this, you have to take the time to get it right.”

The report outlined 45 recommendations for action from SD 57, the SD57 Board of Education and the Ministry of Education.

Many of these recommendations relate to systemic racism, systemic discrimination and outdated practices.

Derrick says now is the time to think and now is the time to “be better”.

Although the report identifies a number of areas where School District 57 needs to be repaired, the report found that Prince George is not unique in this scenario.

Advisors summed up the report by saying they want to use SD57 as a template for the rest of the province.

The special advisers Dr. Catherine McGregor of UVic and Kory Wilson of the BCIT’s Indigenous Division were reappointed by BC Education Secretary Jennifer Whiteside until March 2022.

Former SD57 Superintendent Rod Allen will also be involved to work with the school district to implement recommendations where possible.

The Ministry of Education also issued a statement regarding its role in the report:

“The counselors’ report is now complete and has highlighted worrying trends and practices that need to be addressed to better serve students and staff in the district. In particular, I am very concerned about the results, which point to obvious streaming of indigenous students into alternative education programs and poor results for indigenous students. “

Education Secretary Jennifer Whiteside said:

“Some of the consultants’ findings require further investigation to understand how resources are being allocated, which contributes to lower educational outcomes for indigenous students, how the district works with indigenous families, and whether the board is able to come up with an appropriate strategic plan for the neighborhood . There is a clear need to rebuild relationships between the district and the First Nations, in addition to a much greater focus on improving educational outcomes and supporting indigenous students. “

You can view the full report here.


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