September 22, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Autism, Diagnosis, Dies, Pioneer, Treatment


Categories: autism

Pioneer in Autism Analysis And Remedy Dies At 97

The community mourns the loss of a true pioneer in the diagnosis and treatment of autism who has made a strong commitment to educating people with autism.

Dr. Ruth Chris Sullivan, founder of the Autism Services Center, died Thursday afternoon at the age of 97.

“Although our hearts are heavy today, we honor and celebrate Dr. Sullivan for the many, many lives she has touched and the services she has created for people with autism and other developmental disabilities, ”the Autism Services Center wrote on Facebook. “She was an inspiration to so many parents looking for information, guidance, and hope for their child who was identified with autism.”

Dr. Ruth Christ Sullivan, founder of the Autism Services Center (ASC), passed away yesterday afternoon at the age of 97….

Posted by Autism Services Center, Inc. on Friday Sep 17th 2021

Sullivan was a founding member of the Autism Society of America in 1965 and was its first president-elect. She also founded the Autism Services Center, which now provides services to families with a family member with developmental disabilities in four counties.

“Anyone who drives Dr. Sullivan knew or worked with him, would tell you how motivated and tenacious she was when she imagined something, ”ASC continued.

Photo: YouTube / TheAutismSociety

Her determination to help people with autism began when her son was diagnosed at the age of three. With very few services in place, she began organizing parents of children with autism at the local, state, and national levels.

After founding both of the above organizations, she became the first autism lobbyist in the US Congress. She campaigned for Public Law 94-142 (the Disability Education Act, formerly known as the Education of All Disabled Children Act), which provides a public education for all children in the United States, regardless of their disability guaranteed.

According to ASC, she has consulted on autism in more than ten different countries and was the editor of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, where she wrote more than 65 articles on autism.

Dr. Ruth C. Sullivan, our founder and Dr. Jimmie D. Beirne, our CEO.

Posted by Autism Services Center, Inc. on Saturday April 28th, 2018

“The drive she demonstrated every day was extraordinary,” concluded ASC. “One of the most important things she taught us was how to think like a parent while we were administering services. Our decisions had to pass the mental filter “How would I want services to be provided if my family member receives services”. She expected our services to be well thought out, dignified, and respectful. And we are a better agency today because of the philosophy that she was able to convey to us. “

Our thoughts and prayers go with the Sullivan family. She is greatly missed, but her influence on the autism community is never forgotten.


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