March 9, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Activities, break, Busy, Economical, kids, March, Parenting, special


Categories: Special Needs Parenting

Parenting 101: 9 Economical actions to maintain your particular wants youngsters busy over March Break | Parenting 101

We have arrived. It’s March Break! And if you moms and dads out there are like me and my husband, we cannot go out of town for a whole week, and though I am home with my son as I work from home, dad only can manage to take off a day or two. Our son, on the other hand, wants adventure and fun. So, what’s a special needs parent to do? I have come up with a list of possible things:

9 Great Activities to Keep Your Special Needs Kids Busy Over March Break:

1) Your local public library: I know, I know, some kids have a hard time settling in the library. Try reading a social story to them, and obviously choose a time of day when they have had their fill of the physical. Many libraries offer story times and other craft activities. You can even meet up with friends and their kids. Only remember Moms and Dads, save the coffee for before or afterwards. J

2) Sledding hills: This of course is weather permitting, but it’s great as it’s economical and will get the kids to burn off all that energy they’re not spending in school.

3) Public indoor skating: Again, if it’s in your municipality it’s VERY reasonable in price. For our municipality it’s $1 a person. Skating is also a great activity and I always promise my little guy hot chocolate at home afterwards or out if we meet friends at the arena.

4) Indoor swimming at your municipal arena, the YMCA, or Lasalle’s The Aquadome: Swimming is a super activity to burn off physical energy as well and not costly. My only advice is to go early. We live in a suburb off Montreal and the public swimming was so popular at our community center pool that there was hardly room in the pool when we got there. The Aquadome is a lot of fun and very reasonably priced too. It has an indoor slide that is very popular.

5) Marathon play dates at friends’ houses: I organize these play dates pretty much in advance with your Mom friends. We take turns at each other’s houses.

6) The Biodome: Ok, this is not as economical, but it is educational, and my son had so much fun when they had the Butterfly Exhibit.

7) Chapters bookstores: My son is not an arts and crafts kid, but I know the Chapters in the West Island usually has had activities in the past for kids during March Break. It’s worth checking out.

8) McGill’s Redpath Museum. They have virtual events right now for kids.

9) Family movie night: Get cozy with blankets, popcorn and goodies, or make some pizza and have a family pizza/movie night. Great way to catch up if moms and dads are both home with the kids. I will be trying this out too. My son’s father and I want to show him the rest of the Star Wars films and this is the week to do it!

I wish you all a Happy March Break!

– Joanne Giacomini


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