August 1, 2021


by: admin


Tags: AGE, Autism, Means


Categories: autism


By Cathy Jameson

As I scrolled through a local news website, I saw a nurse being interviewed about the COVID vaccination. The blurb that accompanied the video stated that “… the assistant dean of Columbia University School of Nursing says there needs to be a ‘multifactorial’ approach to convincing people to get vaccinated.” The Associated Press also shared the link with the nurse who is part of this CDC-funded organization.

As I watched, it was clear that the message was not to inform or educate the public about the shot. Everything should be done “to have the last percentage of people vaccinated”. Since this has not happened despite an abundance of free vaccines, groups, including the US government, are using all possible approaches to pressure everyone to get vaccinated. The nurse suggests using other people – spokesmen of the same race, church officials, youth ambassadors, and celebrities. Other techniques are through the use of ways like social media. It might be compelling to get the right people to tell these last few Americans their own story. She smiled during the brief interview and seemed proud of the strategies and tactics she suggested to build confidence in the vaccine.

All over the web, like clockwork, other local news channels and websites shared the exact same message.

The nurse’s message coincided with Biden’s recent complaint that not every American got the injection.

I know he has problems sometimes, but like the nurse’s mission monies, Biden didn’t get the message that some Americans don’t want the syringe, can’t get the syringe, and won’t get that syringe. These Americans are not as insistent on their message as the government is now, but they have also been vocal.

You confidently said no.

You politely said no, thank you.

You specifically said no!

Your message does not require sophisticated tactics and is very simple: No means no. They said that over a year ago when vaccines became part of the COVID19 conversation, and they are saying it again. How much clearer do they have to be?

My children know that sometimes they can’t do what they want. They know they might be disappointed if the answer to a query they made is no. It’s tough being a kid, but they know how to respect the answer, especially when the answer is no. If they don’t respect it, they can face consequences.

Some people at the top of the COVID19 pyramid have trouble respecting an answer they don’t want to hear. I wonder what it will take to get them to withdraw. With restrictions being reintroduced for some in the workforce regardless of vaccination status, I have a terrible feeling that for some things will not go so well this time around. Threatening and enforcing unnecessary restrictions is not a good strategy. That has already squeezed the life of too many people.

Cathy Jameson is co-editor for Age of Autism.


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