New Kicks for Youngsters shoe drive honors Consol grad’s reminiscence | Schooling
Eric Williams said he remembered giving Jason his first pair of shoes after joining them when he was 10. Jason was eventually adopted by the couple and joined their two other children, Lyndon and Autumn.
“He had never had anything like it; he had shoes but a good pair, ”said Eric Williams. “He was excited about it.”
Shoe options became something her son loved, said Wendy Williams.
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At some point when he was 16 or 17, she said, they even had to freeze his shoe purchases; nevertheless, he managed to find a loophole. Instead of buying himself a pair of shoes, he surprised his mother with a pink pair of vans for Mother’s Day.
In a letter that came with the shoes and wished her a happy Mother’s Day, she said that Jason wrote in part: “I know you don’t want me to get any more shoes now, so I had the pleasure of having some for someone Special in my life. “
“He really enjoyed getting me a pair of shoes when he couldn’t get them,” she said.
Chrissy’s closet wasn’t set up when Jason started living with the Williams family.
After Jason’s death in August 2018 at the age of 19, Wendy Williams said they had done nothing with his possessions but then slowly started inviting close friends and family to choose some of his shoes to enjoy.