July 20, 2021


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New Guide Autism Necessities Options Group of Specialists

By Anne Dachel

From time to time I take great pleasure in talking about a book about autism that is really well designed to educate and help parents and other people dealing with autism. Autism basics, As the title page says, it is about “prevention, causes, remedies, education, occupation and legal issues, and parental advice” in relation to autism.

Autism Essentials is a collection of articles by over 30 authors, edited by Dr. Andy McCabe, a psychologist who has worked in special education for years and has an extensive background in autism.

There is so much good information about the real world of autism in this book that I hardly know where to start. Some of the writers are people I have known and respect for years and others who are new to me. Everyone has something important to say about autism.

Since the topics are so diverse, I have decided to review this book in several parts. Here goes the first.

I want to say that my qualifications for all of my writings are my reading. I’ve spent twenty years studying all about autism. That doesn’t mean I know everything that’s out there, but I have amassed a lot of knowledge. I’ve been writing for Age of Autism since 2007, mostly about the vaccine and autism controversy and the exponential increase in the rate.

I wrote a book about all of this that was published in 2014, The Great Autism Cover-Up – How and Why the Media Lies to the American Public.

As you can see from the title, it covered the lies and corruption related to the relationship between autism and vaccines.

In this book I related the story of Dr. An entire chapter was devoted to Andrew Wakefield because of his leading role in the whole vaccine link debate.

I was honored that Dr. McCabe asked me to write the preface to Autism Essentials, which centered on the story of Andy Wakefield.the Andy Wakefield The Acttrue story about this doctor.

In the foreword with the title Dr. Andy Wakefield: The Story You Haven’t Heard I’ll repeat what I said about Dr. Wakefield said that he was made a case type to cover up collusion and corruption on the part of the British government.

Don’t understand that Autism Essentials is all about how vaccines can cause autism, because it isn’t. The link is clearly mentioned because there are simply too many parents who have watched their normally developed children lose skills and relapse into autism after routine childhood vaccinations.

So what is the real story of Dr. Wakefield?

Wakefield was a practicing gastroenterologist at the Royal Free Hospital in London when he shared what he and other doctors had observed in twelve children returning to autism and bowel disease. Eight of these children had parents who said the regression occurred immediately after being vaccinated against mumps, measles, and rubella.

During an interview in 2009, Wakefield told CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson the true story of his work: “Our duty was not just to examine these children to see if we could get to the bottom of their symptoms, especially their bowel symptoms and their diarrhea, pain and indigestion, but also their history. “

It was the parents the Wakefield and the other doctors said the regression followed the MMR and this was included in their report.

Wakefield’s work concluded that the children had a new form of bowel disease that had not previously been identified. Further study was recommended.

So it was in 1998 in the Lancet, a British medical journal. What followed was a disaster for the researchers. Above all, Wakefield was vilified as a fraudster who falsified his findings.

During that 2009 interview, Wakefield Attkisson also said that after extensive research that resulted in a 250-page report, he warned parents not to give their children only separate mumps, measles, and rubella vaccines, not the combined MMR vaccine . He went on to say that the government responded by stopping the use of the separate vaccines in the UK within six months. Children could only receive the combined MMR.

Wakefield made it clear on CBS back in 2009 that he and his colleagues had requested further studies on the safety of the MMR.

When asked by Attkisson about the General Medical Council’s actions in revoking his license to practice medicine, Wakefield said the government would “isolate and discredit” anyone who questions it. Wakefield also denied any personal conflicts of interest regarding what he had done.

The phrase “isolate and discredit” can also apply to the actions of the media and the government here in the US

In the preface I go into detail on how the American media attacked Wakefield in 2010. Matt Lauer on NBC’s Today Show, Dr. Manny Alvarez on Fox News, Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta on CNN, and George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s Good Morning America, all of whom covered the Wakefield story as opponents. Their interviews were vicious inquisitions.

Incredibly, none of them spoke to any of the parents of the children Wakefield was looking after, even though the parents had made public statements of support. Neither of them could quote anything from Wakefield’s book, Callous Disregard, which was his account of the Lancet study.

Wakefield tried the best he could to explain what his work was really about, he just couldn’t. The solution was there. Large networks reported on him to discredit him and any possibility of a link between vaccines and autism.

One critically important point that Wakefield wrote about in his book, and that he tried to bring up during the interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN, was the existence of a whistleblower in the UK who had provided him with evidence of a government collusion. (It appears that the health authorities there, like in the US, have close ties to the pharmaceutical industry)

Wakefield reported that the evidence presented to him showed that the UK government knew the MMR vaccine was not safe and that they had compensated the vaccine manufacturers. That meant the government would be held accountable if the truth about harmful side effects came to light.

If Wakefield had done all the things that British reporter Brian Deer accused him of, his patients’ parents and the other doctors he worked with would surely have spoken out against him.

Neither of them did. Parents stood by him and his fellow researchers on their findings on bowel disease in these children, if not on an established connection with MMR.

Wakefield himself never claimed to have found a link between the vaccine and autism. He reported what his parents had told him. He called for more research and a halt to the use of the combined MMR vaccine pending safety.

In a perfect world, it would have been taken seriously and thorough, independent research would have been accidental to ensure the safety of the MMR. However, this is not our world. In the world of corruption, collusion, and cover-up, no one can be believed who questions the narrative that vaccines are safe and vaccines save lives.

Thank you, Dr. McCabe for giving me the opportunity to tell the real story about Andrew Wakefield.

Autism Essentials authors https://citybearpress.com/autism-essentials-authors/


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