Need to Cease Your ADHD Youngster from Interrupting in College? |ImpactParents
Have you tried Post-It® Notes?
As parents, we are not the only ones trying to help our children manage themselves and take care of themselves in school, but also their teachers. So, if you want to prevent your child from dropping out of school, try self-management Post-It® Notes.
No, I’m not kidding. Here is what I mean.
Our children are prone to disrupting problems in the classroom for one of two main reasons:
- either because they are afraid of not remembering what to say
- or because the interruption keeps them busy with what is going on
Understand the source
To prevent your child from interrupting class, it is important to start with the source of the interruptions. Does he have trouble remembering things? Does he tend to have his questions answered right away? From there, you can help your child understand and spot the patterns.
Help him realize that because of the way his brain is wired, it is normal for him to want to address his thoughts right away; but also help them understand that it is important to hold onto their thoughts or questions until someone else has finished. Like taking turns in a game, it is a skill that he must practice and master.
Then ask him if he would like to learn a strategy to make the lesson easier. Start practicing at the dining table.
The strategy is to put a small pile of Post-It® notes and a pen or pencil on your desk at the beginning of each lesson. Encourage your child to write down comments, thoughts, or questions that will distract them from paying attention to the lesson, instruction, or conversation. He can jot down anything that comes to mind or even scribble on paper if he needs a fidget.
The simple Post-It® note will become a masterful strategy for preventing your child from dropping out of school. It helps him remember that he is practicing “not pausing” and “waiting for his turn” to speak. As an added benefit, they may find that they captured an idea that would be a good subject for a writing assignment, or that all of their questions were eventually answered. Most importantly, it brings him an awareness of this process and a strategy that will help him learn to manage himself over time.