February 10, 2022


by: admin


Tags: Autism, Banned, Facebook, Life, Pictures


Categories: autism

Life With Autism In Footage However Banned on Fb

Note: Our friend Michelle Guppy has shared her journey with Brandon for many years. She has a raw, honest blog called Life With Autism In Pictures. Yesterday, she tried to post one of her blog entries on her Facebook page, and Facebook would not let her. We’re running an excerpt today, and hope you will click over to her blog to finish reading, and bookmark the site. The crackdown on showingcasing the often grim side of life for and with our loved ones with autism is depressing as heck. I couldn’t even Tweet Tanner Welsh’s obituary from AofA because Twitter now marks ALL of our Tweets as “sensitive.” I even Tweeted a Bundt cake – a sensitive Bundt cake. But we all keep going – including Michelle and her family.


Life With Autism In Pictures Silent Surrender

In many ways, the last few months have been a series of Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events”….. as well as the usual series of “unrecoverable’s” as Todd so fondly calls the insanity of certain incidents we could never imagine in our “Life with Autism, Seizures, & a side of PANDAS”…

I have to chuckle at my ignorance…silly me…I thought the rules of life were that if you already have one lifelong challenge, you were somehow magically exempt from all other hardships that can happen in life. To say that I’ve felt suckerpunched is to say that “autism” is simply a “quirky behavior.” Not many will get that, but those who do, deeply get it.

As I have desperately tried to navigate this unfamiliar and unwanted bump in the road so to speak – I am deeply grateful for the NDCQ motto that I have embraced thanks to being introduced to the Navy SEAL world of FORGED warriors and their NEVER QUIT mentality – not to mention the Survival, Evasion, Resistance, & Escape (SERE) training of Matt’s Navy journey that began ten years ago…

“The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday” has been proven to be true in my life in so many ways….. except I might add, for warrior families like mine, there seem to be no easy days…… …

(I mean really, don’t we warrior moms wish upon wishes that our “Hell Week” lasted only a week?)

Which brings me to this picture I captured a few days ago while driving my son to his Adult Day Program… Read more here.


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