It’s As much as You – AGE OF AUTISM
By Cathy Jameson
I found the antics to be bad during the flu vaccination season. The aggressive urge to inject COVID19 countermeasures into Americans is worse. The ineffective flu vaccine allowed people to buy groceries with a gift certificate in a supermarket or pharmacy after vaccination. Get Free Beer with the COVID19 Experimental Vaccines!
Do you want a free donut? You can also get this with proof of vaccination. In fact, the “fully vaccinated” are now offered a whole range of free items. There are also incentives for employees, such as paid time off and compensated working hours. Even with dozens of people reporting negative side effects, COVID19 vaccine offerings are plentiful!
What other medical treatment does alcohol and sugary desserts offer incentives?
So why this one?
Because Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) vaccines are not advertised like other vaccines, namely approved vaccines. We’re seeing a different kind of hype around EUAs.
FDA-approved vaccines have graced the pages of magazines and circled through television advertisements.
Those for FDA-approved vaccines are real advertisements and should not be confused with the current $ 250 million campaign. This campaign is designed to help educate the importance of vaccination in a novel that can, however, be restored Illness. It was founded months ago, titled It’s Up To You, and has partnered with several companies and corporations, “with the ultimate goal of helping the public feel safe and ready to get vaccinated the moment a vaccine is available is available to them ”. Note: It was not designed to educate consumers about vaccine facts, dates, or vaccine risks. The “media blitz” involves influencers, messengers, faith leaders, and other trustworthy people to force the hesitant to get the vaccine. You may have heard one of several incessant commercials on the radio recently called “Vaccine Confidence”.
Also broadcast on television and in some print media, the aim of the multi-million dollar campaign is not only to reach those who are hesitant, but also to those who do not want to be vaccinated. It is a campaign like no other that draws from the heart and also pits a family member against a family member.
The current government is working overtime to keep the news up to date while keeping the pandemic going. Your campaign is less focused on education and sounds more threatening.
No matter who you are or what your position is, threats are never a good strategy. State health officials and intrusive politicians who resort to them cannot and should not be trusted. Empty threats can only go so far anyway, so maybe another campaign is promoting potential coercion and normalizing vaccine discussions.
Please note that promotional materials for EUA products may contain advertising restrictions and conditions. But I don’t think any amount of money will make a truly informed consumer change his or her mind, especially if they understand how risky experimental vaccines are. False promises, bribery, and peer pressure to incentivize quickly made products with no guarantees don’t work for them. Regardless, these plans are well underway and likely will be for some time to come.
What used to be a topic of private conversations with a healthcare provider is being distributed across multiple media sources in multiple languages. As more and more people open their eyes to the extreme changes, regulations have to be discussed. These should have been introduced long before the invitation and arrangement of people standing in line for a liability-free vaccine. But groups like OSHA had tried to address citizens’ problems.
At least I thought so.
Weeks ago I had seen some talk about something that was apparently written to protect people. I took a screenshot of the information and sent it to my husband, not just for this post but in case we need to refer to it in the workplace in the future.
Screenshot 05/20/2021 from the OSHA FAQ page
Screenshot 05/20/2021 from the OSHA FAQ page
When, on Friday, less than 24 hours later, when I tried to look up the information for this article, the information I had read was gone. In its place, carefully crafted legalization and a seemingly arbitrary end date have been added.
Screenshot 05/21/2021 from the OSHA FAQ page
Although not all post-vaccination results are known, including the effectiveness of the vaccinations, it goes ahead in full force. Actually, it is rushing, luring and bullying those who stand in your way. However, groups are actively campaigning for the madness to end, at least for the children.
It can’t be easy to crack down on the machine, especially a machine that is government funded and protected. So it is up to you to know all the facts about vaccines. It is up to you to understand all of the risks associated with non-liability vaccines. And it’s up to you to know when to freely say yes to be part of the experiment and when to say no.
Cathy Jameson is co-editor for Age of Autism.