August 19, 2021


by: admin


Tags: AGE, Autism, Freedom


Categories: autism

It isn’t About “Freedom” – AGE OF AUTISM

REDCON1, America’s leading supplement brand, will no longer support the Arnold classic “Screw Your Freedom”

The division continues. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Screw your Freedom” comment on those who don’t want to get a Covid vaccine cost him a gig. Well, he’s Arnold, and that certainly won’t hit his wallet hard. Still, it’s a message. I don’t know much about this supplement company. I like to take my Vit D rubbers every day.

I don’t know of any soul who is concerned about the effects of masks or vaccines that adopts a pure “freedom” attitude. I use the quotations consciously. This is not the “You’re Not Boss of Me” moment for toddlers. It’s not an impulsive rejection. Most hesitant? PhD. There is hardly a group that can be disparaged as anti-science or ignorant. In terms of educational level, those with a high school graduation or less had the largest drop in vaccination hesitation during the study period, while hesitation remained constant among those with PhDs, which was the most hesitant group in May. Who is most likely to refuse a COVID vaccine? And among AofA readers? So many of us have seen the dark side of vaccination side effects, leaving medical professionals, and our confidence has been shaken. Now family, friends, employers are queuing up to denigrate us, to rob us of our jobs, our basic right to a livelihood and participation in society. Our children are already “damned” Arnold, we don’t think about our “freedom”. We consider how we can protect our children from further harm.


REDCON1, America’s leading supplement brand, will no longer support the Arnold classic “Screw Your Freedom”

BOCA RATON, Fla., Aug. 17, 2021 / PRNewswire / – REDCON1, the fastest growing sports nutrition brand in the world, today with a heavy heart announced that it has all support for the Arnold Classic and other Arnold-like events around the world following Arnold Schwarzenegger’s anti-American comments .

With such a tremendous influence, Arnold sees the public statement “Screw your Freedoms” as dangerous and anti-American. REDCON1 is a patriotic brand and community for freedom. We support the individual freedoms of each individual.

“Arnold came to America with a passion that he, too, could make the American dream come true. Of course, it was not easy, and he overcame language barriers, poverty and dramatic cultural differences. His commitment to sport and his perseverance did not help him.” only achieve, but achieve more than he had ever imagined. A guy who had nothing and no advantages, who never made an excuse and achieved enormous success. He became an icon because of his work ethic, charisma, and courage. “Aaron Singerman, Founder.

We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars being a top sponsor of the event and this year we are the exclusive sponsor of the webcast, but we cannot in good conscience continue to support and connect with someone who has such diametrically opposed beliefs.

In doing so, we are taking a tough stance for the rights and freedoms of all Americans, regardless of political affiliation or personal beliefs.

REDCON1 is based on the uncompromising, uncompromising belief that you have a right to your opinion and should not be offended or persecuted for dissenting.

We choose you and your rights through an organization run by Arnold who is not affiliated with American views.

REDCON1 is a mission-based company based on one simple principle – to make the highest quality nutritional supplements for people who need to get the most out of their workout and work day. REDCON1 offers nutritional supplements and apparel that appeal to everyone from beginners to serious athletes. Its strong military branding is featured by more than 17,000 Tier Operators around the world, many of whom are currently serving or retired from the U.S. Forces. The products are characterized by effective formulas that deliver real results while building a brand that stands for transparency, hard work, honesty and integrity. Additionally, the company has significant community engagement through the REDCON1 Foundation whose primary goal is to have a positive impact on the families of US military heroes. For more information, visit, see brand history, and


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