September 13, 2021


by: admin


Tags: AGE, Autism, cruel, Cuomos, Governor, Legacy


Categories: autism

Governor Cuomo’s Merciless Legacy – AGE OF AUTISM

With the first wave of the 1990s autism epidemic stretching into adulthood, we can expect chaos rather than worry. We have survived decades of complete misunderstanding about autism. Autism Speaks took over Cure Autism Now, and the focus and dollars went to mind and genetics tests. Neurodiversity groups like ASAN focused on AS IS acceptance and related only to the highest functioning of the community. “As it is” is pretty terrible for many with autism. This is painful to type as a parent. We will have a deluge of adults with autism in the decades to come.

Many are born into the fear generation – young adults themselves are barely able to make decisions, solve problems and think outside the box. I see parents for parents of elementary school children who ask if there is a place to live, the behavior at home is “too much”. And it can be good – most of us have seen it. Age of Autism has been sounding the alarm for nearly 15 years. Anne Dachel continues to follow thousands of stories of school districts under siege, families lost in the sea, and states struggling to provide a minimum of services. And how COVID threw a wrench into everything. Schools are hardly perfect. Adult care is a disaster. With no answers in sight.

Check out this New York story from The Times Union. Worries.


The state is trying to move severely autistic clients to a safe facility
Legislators, parents say government agency is exploiting “loopholes” that prevent disabled people from receiving the least restrictive of care

Brendan J. Lyons

ALBANY – Parents of adults with severe autism say they are being forced by a government agency to choose whether to send their child to a gated institutional facility in the remote areas of the Adirondacks or to have the view that Losing funding for their long term care.

The situation has angered a group of state lawmakers who say the practice, instituted under former Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, is an obvious cost-saving measure that exploits a loophole in a 2014 law that gives parents due process should allow long-term care decisions for their children when they are 21 years old.

Some parents say they have been left with no alternative to sending their disabled children to a remote and prison-like facility that appears to house people who have been convicted of crimes such as child sexual abuse or who have been deemed incapable of standing. Read more here.


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