June 21, 2021


by: admin


Tags: ADHD, Energy, Give, Job, kid, Manage


Categories: adhd

Give Your Child A Job To Do to Handle ADHD Vitality

One surprising way to productively manage your ADHD child’s energy is to keep them busy and give them jobs.

Children like to feel productive and helpful. Most children really want to follow the directions and be considered a “good” child.

But unfortunately, too often, children with ADHD feel the opposite – as if they can never do anything right and always cause trouble. You feel “bad”. Not only do the adults constantly redirect them, but other kids can find them annoying too. You don’t want to cause trouble. But the energizer bunny in them runs on a non-stop battery and sometimes they just can’t help it. Directing this energy into a “job” can have positive effects on your child and those around him!

“Jobs” for ADHD Children?

At school, the best “errand runner” in the room is the kid with ADHD who tries to pay attention but is really hard to sit in. Ask the teachers to have your child hand out the papers, collect the workbooks, or bring attendance to the office before an assignment. On the sports field, see if your child can be the catcher when they have something to do in the game instead of hanging around the outside field, picking flowers or watching clouds.

Assign your child at home to be the “hopper” at dinner, to get the ketchup out of the refrigerator or to get extra napkins for the table. Or turn your child into a scrambled egg or strawberry teaser – even if they don’t like scrambled eggs. Better yet, ask them to do heavy lifting such as carrying the groceries.

Minimize meltdowns!

Download a free tip sheet “Top 10 Ways To Stop Meltdowns In Their Tracks” to stop everyone from screaming and tantrums!

Does Giving “Jobs” To Children Really Manage ADHD Energy?

This strategy is effective for children struggling with hyperactivity, inattention, disorganization, and emotional intensity. Everyone likes the feeling of doing something productive, so give your ADHD children a chance to see what “jobs” they CAN do instead of focusing on what they can’t.


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