Florida Commissioner of Schooling threatens to drag Broward County colleges funding

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA. – Amid further threats of sanctions, the superintendents in the Broward and Miami-Dade counties stand firm, telling the State Board of Education that they believe they are complying with state law and fulfilling their constitutional responsibilities regarding mask and quarantine guidelines.

“It’s worth noting that the Parents’ Bill of Rights does not give the Department of Health or the Department of Education authority to issue regulations,” said Vickie Cartwright, interim superintendent of Broward Schools.

On Tuesday, the Broward School Board voted not to change its masking and quarantine rules until the county hits a 67 percent vaccination rate they supposedly have and until COVID positivity rates drop to three percent.

On the same day, Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran threatened to withdraw further funds – the Broward Schools, worth $ 420,000, received the Broward Schools from the Biden government.


The education commissioner says sanctions are getting worse because Broward schools refuse to obey the governor’s ban on masking requirements.

Also, Corcoran says Broward is refusing to obey the state’s new rule from last month that says parents should decide whether to quarantine their child after coming into direct contact with someone who is positive for COVID -19 was tested.

On Thursday, the State Board of Education issued a press release that said in part: “Due to the school districts continued violations of the educational and privacy rights of students and families, including literally excluding many students with special needs from a free and fair public Education, the State Board of Education (SBOE) today authorized Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran to financially sanction the salaries of the elected school board in eight school districts.

“Tragically, we have lost 14 staff and one student since August, and many more have been hospitalized,” said Alberto Carvalho, superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools. “We know that masks reduce the spread of viruses. Those who say otherwise are misinformed or misguided .:

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