‘Fairness in Schooling’ matter at AAUW occasion Sept. 11, open to public
Equity in Education is the first program in Equity, The Path Forward, the 2021-2022 theme of the Del Mar-Leucadia Branch of the American Association of University Women. The public is invited to the virtual program on Saturday, September 11th, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The zoom room opens at 10 a.m. for 30-minute social / chat time, followed by the program at 10:30 a.m.
Branch program director Norelynn Pion-Goureau said her committee had chosen the topic as a timely focus to support the AAUW national organization’s struggle for justice. Speakers Wendy Stewart, Ed.D, of MiraCosta College, and Sara Sandoval, MA, of California State University San Marcos, will share what their colleges are doing to promote positions in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and Mathematics) to recruit and open. for freshmen, color students and women.
Wendy Stewart, Ed.D
Stewart, Dean of Counseling and Student Development at the MCC, has been in the education field for over 25 years. She will cover how MCC addresses equity issues on campus, especially in STEM education for women and colored students as they are underrepresented in STEM areas.
Sara Sandoval, MA
Sandoval, coordinator of the FIRST2STEM program at CSUSM, works with underrepresented MINT minorities.
Guests must send their name and email address to Membership@aauwdml.org to receive a Zoom link to the meeting so that their name will be recognized when entering the Zoom waiting room. Questions to speakers can be asked during the presentation using the chat function.
The AAUW is a national organization that promotes equality between women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. Membership is open to all university graduates with an associated or higher degree. AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership.
Serving San Diego coastal communities, the Del Mar-Leucadia Branch reflects the diverse interests of its members with monthly meetings (open to the public) and special interest groups such as Great Decisions, restaurants, book, film, and bridge groups. The branch is happy to welcome new members.
The local AAUW branch raises funds for scholarships for local college students and local middle school girls selected to attend the AAUW Tech Trek, a STEM camp for girls. The branch also supports Speech Trek for local high school students and the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund.
For more information, visit delmarleucadia-ca.aauw.net or contact Karen Dorney, member@aauwdml.org