Faculty districts say Tony Evers’ $125-per-pupil increase will not assist with long-term prices | Native Schooling

The one-time funding will be in addition to the $ 2.3 billion Wisconsin schools expected to receive through Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) and will be distributed to districts through a one-time payment by the end of the year. In contrast to ESSER, there is no expiration date regarding the use of the additional funds.

Districts can use the $ 100 million on non-pandemic expenses, but as LeMonds said, since the funds are a one-time distribution, they “probably and wisely would not use (the funds) on recurring expenses.”

Earlier this month, the Department of Public Instruction released a report that showed that 140 school districts across the state, including Madison, could see a decline in state general aid under the two-year budget. The report outlined that under the spending plan, Madison could expect an estimated 13% decrease, or $ 5.1 million less, in general school aid. This estimate could change based on data and school enrollment numbers at the beginning of the school year 2021/22.

Madison is already anticipating a 3.83% increase in property taxes for the upcoming tax bill in December. The district plans to raise wages by 3.23% next year, but has argued with the teachers’ union about setting these increases in contracts because of uncertainty over the state budget.

District voters approved a $ 33 million company referendum last fall, which district officials plan to use for salary increases, COVID-19 costs, and programs to help address student learning disparities over the next several years.


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