Cube Fell Down and Now He Frowns
Who remembers Andrew “Diceman” Clay’s dirty nursery rhymes in the 80s ?? My ex had a tape in his car. (Insert emoji later.) Here’s one I just came up with! Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a wrong shot. Dice Clay was downstairs and now he’s frowning at Bell’s paralysis.
Full Disclaimer – I have NO idea how he got Bell’s paralysis. None. I’m joking about the jab that includes BP as a side effect. And we know about “side effects”. Because if we don’t laugh a little, we’ll all go nuts.
And of course we send thoughts and prayers for a full and complete recovery. I was thinking of seeing him live here in Connecticut next month.
BTW, if you can see Jim Breuer on his Live and Let Laugh tour, GO! I saw him last weekend and he has been killing the audience with his attitude towards the past 16 months. Trust me, our readers would howl with laughter.
The real story for Dice Clay isn’t that he’s angry with the media for retiring his career. Side effect? ”Nobody dares or hasn’t connected the dots, I don’t know. I’m in no mood to mine mine Getting ass handed on a silver platter so I didn’t bother answering the question that was logical to our readers.
From his Facebook page: read it here.
I really don’t understand why this Bell’s paralysis thing got a media lightning bolt. It’s not like I was trying to hide it. It’s a temporary problem and I’m still just as great with it! The most untrue thing about these articles … is about my 20 year hiatus in the world of stand up comedy. I never stopped performing live. One of the reasons people call journalism fake news … Please, just the facts from now on. I am constantly training as you can see from my posts and I killed it with my live performances. See you at @citywinerynyc Monday night!