My greatest academic regret is not studying history in college, despite being top of my class. I blame it on Nip/Tuck. I was 16 years old and had just a month to choose my A-Levels, similar to American Advanced Placement (AP) courses. I became so fascinated and enamored by the grandeur and drama of the […]
Archive for the
‘adhd’ Category
My older sister, Marie, wishes that she knew she had ADHD when she was in elementary or middle school. It would have reduced a lot of the confusion, poor self-esteem, and bad mojo that she dragged around like a big, bulky, burdensome sack. If we knew what ADHD really was back in the 1980s, and […]
I’m looking for a new job. My last (very successful) freelance contract finished, and a potential mortgage on my first apartment looms. I need to find something full-time and permanent, which means doing what I hate most: job hunting. There are few things on God’s green earth more depressing and degrading than job hunting (except […]
I am a physician who specializes in ADHD and who also happens to have ADHD – and I’m on TikTok. No wait, it gets better. I am on TikTok and I’m over 30 years old. If you haven’t already stopped reading in anger, please let me explain myself. At the start of the pandemic, as […]
I was talking to a mom the other day whose 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in 2nd grade. We were discussing some related learning challenges, and some new issues showing up now that she is in middle school. Now, this mom has been managing her daughter’s ADHD for many years, so she’s […]
As someone with boundary-recognition disorder, I’ve worked all my life to learn where the line is for others. Comedians understand the importance of finding (and sometimes crossing) that line. In the context of a comedy club, it’s socially acceptable to flaunt the audience’s line. At work? Not that much. Oversharing at Work I recently started […]
Welcome to Normal Have you ever been so angry you’ve literally seen red? Or so frustrated that you could scream? Maybe so sad or stressed that curling up in a ball on your bed is the only activity you think you can handle? Guess what? Welcome to being normal! Everyone gets knocked down by emotions […]
Like the neighborhood bully, that tormenting task taunts you week after week from the top of your to-do list. You want to vanquish it, but you can’t – and you’re not sure why. Advice to “just do it” or break down the task into smaller chunks doesn’t help. The tormentor remains — amassing energy with […]
Corey Berrier- The Sales CEO has over 25 years of experience training individuals and teams on high performance sales processes. The Sales CEO is a boutique coaching firm specializing in sales development with a focus on ADHD. Using his ADHD superpower Corey has developed systems and processes that allow business owners to maximize employee experience […]
Helping our kids learn to get themselves organized is one of the greatest challenges we face as parents, isn’t it? We all appreciate how important it is for our kids to learn to “get organized,” because we understand what our kids don’t, yet, that organization impacts every aspect of life: school (or work), home, and […]
“My brain is an overstuffed garbage can,” my son once told me. “And the lid won’t stay on, so stuff is falling out all over the floor.” That’s how he describes what it is like to have ADHD. I thought I understood ADHD when he was diagnosed. By that point, I was a published academic […]
Bill Hamlen was born in Schenectady, NY and raised in Bernardsville, NJ where he attended Bernards High School. After graduating from Dartmouth College in 1984, Bill joined Drexel Burnham’s commodity division. While at Drexel, Bill worked in various areas including the international order desk as well as many different “pits” including all of the metals, […]