BOARD OF EDUCATION Willmar Public Faculty – West Central Tribune
BOARD OF EDUCATION Willmar Public Schools – ISD 347 Willmar, MN 56201 Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting on January 10, 2022 Regular Board Meeting called to order by Chair, Justin Bos, at 4:36 pm Members Present: Mike Reynolds, Mary Amon , Jay Lawton, Scott Thaden, Justin Bos, Tammy Barnes, Randy Frederickson Members Absent: ANNOUNCEMENTS Regular Board Meeting – February 14, 2022 in the Rehearsal Hall Motion by Mike Reynolds, seconded by Tammy Barnes, to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Jay Lawton, seconded by Scott Thaden, to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on December 13, 2021. Payment of Bills and Wire Transfers for period ending December 31, 2021; totaling $3,839,624.09. Personnel Items: Appointments: Sue Barney, Early Childhood Paraprofessional, Kennedy (1/4/22) Replacement Angela Espinoza, Special Education Paraprofessional, FOCUS (12/21/21) New Position Charles (Charlie) Farhat, Special Education Paraprofessional, Senior High (12/14/21) Genesis Mireles, Special Education Paraprofessional, Middle School (12/21/21) Replacement Forrest Rice, Business Instructor, Prairie Lakes School, (1/10/22) Replacement Maria Maldonado Sanchez, Food Service Assistant ( 1/4/22) Replacement Lisa Trevino, Special Education Paraprofessional, Lakeland, 12/10/21 Replacement Dione Wangen, Resignations: Hufsa Moalim, Interventionist, Kennedy (12/20/21) Trudy Jones, Special Education Paraprofessional, Lakeland (12 /17/21) Ashley Magnuson, ECSE Instructor, Jefferson Learning Center (6/6/21) Mohamed Sayid, Cultural Liaison, District Office (12/14/21) Diane Shively, Food Service Assistant, Kennedy (12/8/21 ) Alejandro Vargas, Bilingual Paraprofessional, Senior High (1/3/22) Megan W atkins, Elementary Art Instructor, Kennedy (1/18/22) Transfers: Loret Gonzalez, Special Education Paraprofessional, Kennedy to Bilingual Paraprofessional, Kennedy (1/3/22) Replacement Maria Ramirez, Health Office Paraprofessional to District Office Receptionist (12/ 13/21) Replacement Leave of Absence: Jami Hamsted, Food Service Assistant, Lakeland (1/6/22-4/4/22) Alexa Martinez, Special Education Paraprofessional, Lakeland (Approx. 4/4/22-8/1/22) Abby Pederson, Elementary Instructor, Kennedy Extend Current Leave through 3/4/22 Michaele Stoeberl, Instructional Coach, Kennedy (3/8/22-4/1/22) Keisha Wolter , Elementary Instructor, Lakeland (12/8/21-1/17/22) Extra-Curricular Appointments: Emily Quitney, Assistant Gymnastics Coach (11/9/21) Replacement Cy Flick, Middle School Boys Basketball Coach (12/20/ 21) Replacement Richard (Rick) Wolfe, Assistant Gymnastics Coach (50%) Replacement Retirements: Cathy Bangen, Elementary Music Instructor, Kennedy (Completion of 21-22 Schl Yr) Kathy Damhof, Elementary Instructor, Kennedy (Completion of 21-22 Schl Yr) LaRae DuFresne, Spanish Instructor, Middle School (Completion of 21-22 Schl Yr) Annette Hendrickx Derouin, Director of Food & Nutritional Services Changed from 3/1/22 to 6/30/22 Brenda Jergenson, Special Education Instructor, Senior High (Completion of 21-22 Schl Yr) Larry Selchow, Physical Education Instructor, Roosevelt (Completion of 21-22 Schl Yr) Marlyn Tebben, Custo dian, Lakeland (1/21/22) Annette Tiffany, School Social Worker, Middle School (9/27/22) Melissa Dunlavy, Title 1, Lakeland (Completion of 21-22 Schl Yr) REPORTS 1.Business and Finance – Mrs Haase reported enrollment as of January 7, 2022 was 4,215. This is an increase of 72 students from the same week in the prior year. Mrs. Haase updated on the board on staff changes in the Business and Finance Department. Staci Thorson is our new State Reporting Specialist, who was vacated by Joanne Koep. As Staci transitioned to her new role, we’ve hired a replacement District Receptionist, Maria Ramirez. 2.Human Resources – Mrs. Windingstad reported on the ongoing staffing struggle within the district, especially in non-certified positions. We continue to be in need of multiple special education paraprofessionals and food service employees. Rapid testing continues at WEAC and we have completed over 1,000 tests. Mrs. Windingstad also reported that a lot of emphasis has been put on the OSHA ETS, vaccination status, and ensuring its compliance. 3.Teaching & Learning – Mrs. Thomas reported Science is in the process of curriculum review. They are currently exploring instructional resources to support their instruction of the 2019 MN Science Standards. The third draft of the MN Social Studies Standards was released back on November 15. They are currently in the public commenting period for the statutory rulemaking process. The public comment period ends on January 14, 2022 at 4:30 pm Monday, January 17th is a full-day of professional learning for teachers. All buildings will be continuing their work with implementing Standards-Based Learning. State Accountability Assessments will be administered this spring. 4th Superintendent – Dr. Holm reports that COVID cases are on the rise, which continues to create staffing issues. He also reported that take-home COVID tests have arrived for staff and students. There is one test kit for each staff member and one test kit for each student. The staff members’ COVID tests are starting to be distributed and there is planning going on to give families’ access to the tests for their students. There will be side-by-side coaching support provided to principals and assistant principals to give them practice with and build their competency in implementing a new teacher evaluation system. Next year, the district will begin evaluating principals and district leaders with the Marzano Model, creating greater alignment. Finally, he reported that he and Board Members Frederickson, Lawton, and Reynolds, planned to attend the Minnesota School Boards Association Annual Leadership Conference in Minneapolis later in the week. ACTION ITEMS 1.Adopt Resolution Accepting Gifts/Donations – Motion by Jay Lawton, seconded by Tammy Barnes to accept the donations from Ricky’s Cycling and Sports Center ($500 – Robotics Student Activity Fund), Willmar Public Schools Foundation ($441.28 – Busing Lakeland Kindergarten to Nelson Farm), Nordic Ski Boosters Club ($600 – Mesabi Trip, Nordic Ski Student Activity Fund), Raymond and Kelly Stenglein (Viola – Orchestra Program), First Reformed Church ($495 – Reach Student Activity Fund), Robert and Patti Dols ($1,000 – Child Guides Program), Alexandria Technical and Community College Foundation ($500 – Robotics Student Activity Fund), Fred and Kathy Hund (95 Blue Spruce Seeding – Elementary kids), Willmar Boys’ Soccer Booster ($54.55 – Materials for Boys Soccer Awards), Walt’s ($1,346.90 – Gifts & Grants Fund at all sites), Sons of Norway ($100 – Nordic Ski Student Activity Fund), Ag Country Farm Credit Services ($600 – Donation to 2701 Student Activity Fund), Ginger Baune (EASY Stander – For use by students with special needs), Anonymous (792 bottles of hand sanitizers to distribute to buildings), Anonymous (750 canisters of disinfectant wipes to distribute to buildings). Motion carried with a 7-0 roll call vote. (A copy of the resolution is available in the District Office) 2. Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policies – Motion by Tammy Barnes, seconded by Mary Amon to approve the Second Reading and Adoption of revised Policies 102, 406, 413, 501, and 524. Motion carried with a 7-0 vote. 3. Adopt Revised Policy – Motion by Tammy Barnes, seconded by Mary Amon to approve revised Policy 504. Motion carried with a 5-2 vote. 4. Adopt New Policy – Motion by Jay Lawton, seconded by Scott Thaden to approve new Policy 491. Motion carried with a 7-0 vote. 5. Designation of Identified Official with Authority for the MDE External User Access Recertification System – The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) requires that school districts annually designate an Identified Official with Authority to comply with State Access Control Security Standard 1.0 which states that all user access rights to Minnesota state systems must be reviewed and recertified at least annually. The Identified Official with Authority will assign job duties and authorize external user’s access to MDE secure systems for their local education agency (LEA). Motion by Tammy Barnes, second by Scott Thaden to authorize Jeffrey Holm to act as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) and Cindy Terrones to act as the IOwA to add and remove names only for Willmar Public School District 0347-01. Motion carried with a 7-0 vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS – None Superintendent’s Evaluation Summary – The Board met in closed session with Dr. Holm on December 13, 2021 for conducting an annual review of his work. dr Holm has been fully engaged in the Marzano Planning. His evaluation next year will be based on using the Marzano method. This will improve feedback and set the district up for the future. dr Holm has done a great job of holding the district together these last two years. We are holding steady financially even with declining enrollment. dr Holm is situated to continue to be successful. ADJOURN – Motion by Mike Reynolds, seconded by Scott Thaden to adjourn meeting at 5:26 pm Motion carried with a 7-0 vote. (Feb. 19, 2022) 33808