June 30, 2021


by: admin


Tags: Case, childrens, Defense, FCC, Health, OTARD, Rule, Today, Webinar


Categories: autism

As we speak! Youngsters’s Well being Protection Webinar on Case Towards the FCC OTARD Rule

Register now for the webinar and question-and-answer session. Regarding the main motion that CHD made in its case against the OTARD rule, which allows base station antennas in residential buildings.

What is the OTARD Rule? Read here

When: Wednesday, June 30, 2:30 p.m. ET, 11:30 a.m. PT. JOIN NOW.

We will explain the various arguments that we made in the briefing to simplify them for non-attorneys among us. We encourage you to read the letter before the webinar.

We will also be joined by the attorneys filing amicus briefs on behalf of many dozen American safe-tech organizations. We will have a 30 minute public Q&A session.

Speaker: lawyers Dafna tachometer, CHD Director of the 5G and Wireless Harms Project; Scott McCollough, CHD chief attorney in the OTARD case; Petra Bokken from Minnesota Safe Technology; Stephen Díaz Gavin, Lawyer of the amicus.


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