Albemarle masks coverage retains some college students with disabilities out of buildings | Training
“As well as the reasoning was meant, it was not an approved exception,” he said. “It made us aware of the need to be more consistent in the way we clarified and monitored the mask requirement. If there is any difference this year, it is that the policy is followed as it is written. “
But the policy in question has also changed. In the last school year, students could be released from school due to a proven illness, developmental disorder or other disability. The superintendent or special school director could also exempt students for special behavior or individual needs.
This school year, “Students with a documented medical condition or developmental, behavioral, or other disability that prevents them from wearing a mask or face covering will be offered an alternative educational program,” according to the revised policy released by the School Council on Aug. July approved.
That alternative education program is the department’s virtual school, Giaramita said.
For students who are uncomfortable with wearing a mask indoors, schools offer accommodations such as mask breaks, take students out for walks outside of school if they need relief from wearing a mask, and increase the amount of outdoor lessons. said Giaramita.
Volodin had a meeting with the Individualized Education Program team on Tuesday to discuss virtual placement. The department did not change its general stance, although school staff in the meeting discussed ways to get Daniel into the building to help wear masks and comply with guidelines, including allowing him to come into the building two hours a day, to work on masking she said. Volodin turned down the two-hour option.