August 6, 2021


by: admin


Tags: AAP, Autism, children, Divorces, Treating


Categories: autism

AAP Additional Divorces Itself from Treating Youngsters with Autism

The American Academy of Pediatrics never accepted or even feigned curiosity about the medical treatment of autism to improve the lives of children. In fact, they have actively worked against families who are desperate to help their children. For decades. Below, Safeminds reports that they have distanced themselves even further, refusing medical tests for metals, mold, and other environmental pollutants. This is a travesty. The AAP toolkit contains two things – psychotropic drugs and referrals to early intervention or school. The doors seemed to have closed completely in the era of autism as a diagnosis that deserves attention. What a sin. AAP – vaccination. To treat. Abdicate.


Association claims no metal, mineral or environmental toxin assessment is required

The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Environmental Health Council has urged pediatricians and families across the country to stop using multiple clinical tests on children with autism and other related disabilities. This recommendation is, among other things, part of a broader campaign called Choosing Wisely, which promotes evidence-based health care that is considered really necessary and does not duplicate or harm. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now believes that urine testing of children with autistic behavior for metals or minerals is unnecessary. They also disapprove of analyzing hair for environmental toxins for the same cohort of children. In addition, the AAP has called for the urine analysis of children with suspected lead poisoning to be discontinued using chelation challenge. Mold sensitivity tests were also in the crosshairs of the organization. They believe that it should only be reserved for children with pronounced allergy and asthma symptoms. In addition, the campaign’s recommendations indicate that, in most cases, pediatricians should not use measurements of environmental chemicals in blood or urine to make clinical decisions. A spokesman for the AAP’s Council on Environmental Health stated that tests or treatments that claim to diagnose childhood diseases based on chemical measurements can be misleading or based on a false premise, and believes parents should rely on pediatricians to help Address concerns about chemical exposure.

Original article


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